K 2024-07-25, 16:00
From44 €
Nuo 2024-07-25 16:00
Iki 2024-07-28 18:00


From44.00 €
From44.00 €

Welcome to PAJAUTA FEST 2024!

What if the experience of a single festival could be the key to life-changing transformations?

We invite you to a space where earthliness and simplicity connect with higher dimensions. Where practices of consciousness intertwines with captivating performances, inspiring art, and the pulsating rhythms of alternative electronic and live music. And all of it intertwines amidst the enchanting embrace of wild nature guided by the exceptional "Pajautos žemė" (Pajauta Earth) energy.

From July 25th to 28th, join us on an enchanting journey at the second unequaled Lithuanian festival PAJAUTA FEST. Here you'll be overtaken by the ecstatic feeling of finding your soul's home.

The community of PAJAUTA is designed for those different from the majority, so if you feel that due to your uniqueness it hasn't been easy to find your place in the world, then you belong - here. Here the human connection is genuine and unfeigned, while creativity, self-expression, and being oneself are valued and appreciated. This community is for those deeply seeking uniqueness within themselves or those who have already found it. Here, you'll find a refuge where consciousness merges with conceptualism, alternative art blends with the earthly beauty of nature, and like-minded individuals gather to explore the undiscovered depths of their existence. At PAJAUTA, we celebrate with bright minds, free and embodied movement while dancing to the intoxicating beats of music.

Are you ready to dive into the deep and experience a transformation? Here awaits you: Archaic Ancestral Rituals, Tantric Practices, Yoga, Meditations, Live Music Concerts, deep Bass of Ecstatic and Electronic Music, Sound and Dance Therapies, immersive Art Installations and Exhibitions, Performances, the unique Energy of Pajauta Spaces, and MORE. 

Teeming with wild creatures and ancient spirits, PAJAUTA awaits you with the wide-open arms of Mother Earth. Let the music and the immersive experiences through workshops and practices combined with self-expression, guide you on a journey of self-discovery that will transform and liberate you. Each visitor of PAJAUTA is a cherished member of our growing authentic family, so we can't wait for you to join us.

This year our theme is "Deep Dive Dimension" 

We'll explore the mystical realm of underwater wonders. There, in the depths, life nests, and the undiscovered layers of your subconscious and self-expression await. We invite you to invoke your intuition and creativity to become a character inspired by the depths of the underwater world. Let your imagination flow freely as you become a part of the living tapestry of our magical event. The main day for Carnival Costumes is Saturday. The most captivating costume will be rewarded with a ticket to the next year's PAJAUTA festival.


PAJAUTA FEST has a specially prepared program for children, running parallel to the adult program. This allows you to fully relax and immerse yourself in your personal experiences while the children learn, play, explore themselves, nurture their creativity and consciousness. We invite you to come with the whole family to experience magic together and create memories and experiences that will leave an indelible effect and memories for a lifetime.

100% sober Festival

We are catering for a safe space. In this world, saturated with various stimulants and auxiliary substances to have a "stronger experience," we, on the contrary, invite you to experience depth, relaxation, and other dimensions through a clear sober consciousness without any additional substances. At PAJAUTA, the enchanting music, transformative rituals, enlightening workshops and mesmerizing performances guide you to realms far beyond substance-induced euphoria and clarity beyond compare. Immerse yourself in the depths of your own being, relying solely on your powerful body and the natural energy within it. Sobriety expands the possibilities of the natural energy hidden within the subconscious. So, we invite you to elevate and expand your perception through powerful practices, experience ecstasy through music, and dissolve into union with nature without any additional means.



Girių dvasios / Dub

Baranauskas / Techno

Plastic Priestess - Disco / Trash / Techno / Ecstatic

Shamazone / Psy

Konfliktai / Tribal / Minimal

Horus Eye / Techno / Hard-Techno / Hard-Groove

Tyra Siela (Asta Treinė ir Andrius Šešelgis) / Mantros

Andrius Šešelgis / Ecstatic Dance

*Program is being filled



Gavin Anand - Tantric Massage Workshop / Water Magic - Float Session

Danguole Tantra Path - Tantric Connection Workshop / Cuddle Rooms

Jekaterina Lisovskaja - Authentic Movement Experience

Jūratė Aleškevičiūtė - Satja - Vision Hypnotherapy

Diana Mitrofanova Fukuda - Naked Yoga

Choranti Švieso Sala - Dainius Mykolaitis - Qigong Gymnastics

Iveta (Sister's Garden) - Twerk Dance Workshop

Martyna Ice Bee - Pole Dance Workshops

Ana Soul - Hypnotherapy Journey "Past Lives"

Sandra Saran - Kundalini Yoga

Ieva Griciūtė - Experiential Group Photoshoot "Body Speaks"

Laura Jurkšienė - Cacao Ceremony in the sound of singing bowls

Egidijus Truikis - AcroYoga Jam

Marina Paškevičienė - Mindfulness Practices

Inesa Raganės Šokis - Rituals and Ceremonies

Ignė Žilinskaitė - Face Massage Workshops

Amanda (Sister's Garden)

Liepa Girskaitė

Sauna (additional fee)

Music Temple - Jam session Tipi



Festival nourshment - Yoga kitchen

Pajauta Bar

Pajauta Fest Merch - Sustainable Pajauta fashion with Festival designs

Chaj Shop Tipi

Shamazone Hand Crafts

Sandra - Macrame dresses

Raganės Šokis - Scents and herbs

Pajauta’s Sauna

Private sessions and services



Martyna Ice Bee - Pole Dance performance

Deividas Katkus - Performative Ritual

 *Program is being filled



 Goda Lukaitė - painting installation

Ieva Griciūtė - Photography Exhibition

*Exhibitions are being filled



 Kristina Morta Paškevičiūtė - theater lessons for children

Danguole Tantra Path - Tantra for children

*Children's program is being filled



EARLY BIRD (ONLY until March 11th):

Ticket [Basic]: €99 (Ticket only)

Ticket [with Meals]: €174 (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner)

Ticket [VIP]: €239 *Limited (Ticket, VIP Parking, Meals, Merch)

Vendor Ticket with parking inside: €139 *Limited





Internal parking in PAJAUTA FEST for non-vendors, additionally - €30 (on-site, cash only)

Free parking 800 - 1500m from the festival location

Sauna - €20 (on-site, cash only)

Accommodation - tents (not provided)

Although the event takes place in nature, we recommend leaving pets at home for peace, hygiene, and your own tranquility.

We invite you to leave nature clean and take all your garbage with you when you leave



We greatly value energetically clean, mentally and physically safe space. Event organizers reserve the right to remove suspicious individuals from the event without any additional explanation. Anyone who does not respect the safe space rules of the event will also be removed. Alcohol and other intoxicating substances, including any consciousness-altering natural medicines and other narcotics, are not tolerated at the event and prior to the event.


 Smoking tobacco - only in designated special zones.

 The festival is 100% sober. People suspected of being intoxicated or spotted possessing illegal substances will be removed from the festival.

Violation of personal space of other participants, harassment, obstruction of practices led by event leaders, other inadequate and lack of consciousness actions are not tolerated.

Sharing the personal experiences of other participants outside of the event is strictly prohibited.

We reserve the right to remove and not allow entry to events in the future for individuals who have violated the privacy rules of the Pajauta community, the personal space of other participants, proper financial settlement, or the rules of creating a safe and clean environment.

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Viešoji įstaiga PAJAUTOS ŽEMĖ

PVM mokėtojo kodas:

Įmonės kodas: 306283177

Eduardo Andrė g. 14-5, LT-02232 Vilnius

Tel. nr.: +370 615 57435

Banko sąsk.: LT78 7044 0901 0529 6800

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